Source code for dragonradio.signal

# Copyright 2018-2020 Drexel University
# Author: Geoffrey Mainland <>

"""Filter design"""
from functools import lru_cache
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal


[docs]def bellangerord(delta1, delta2, fs, deltaf): """Estimate filter order. Uses equation (5.32) from Bellanger to estimate filter order. Args: delta1: Passband ripple delta2: Stopband ripple fs: Sample rate deltaf: transition bandwidth Returns: Filter order """ return int(math.ceil(2/3*math.log(1/(10*delta1*delta2))*fs/deltaf))
[docs]def remez1f(numtaps, bands, desired, weight=None, Hz=None, ftype='bandpass', maxiter=25, grid_density=16, fs=None): """Calculate the minimax optimal filter using the Remez exchange algorithm, but with $1/f$ rolloff. See: """ taps = signal.remez(numtaps, bands, desired, weight=weight, Hz=Hz, type=ftype, maxiter=maxiter, grid_density=grid_density, fs=fs) # Adjust to get roll-off. taps[0] = taps[1] / 2 taps[numtaps-1] = taps[numtaps - 2]/2 # Re-normalize taps return taps / np.sum(taps)
[docs]def firpm1f(N, wp, ws, fs): """Use firpm library to calculate minimax optimal low-pass filter with $1/f$ rolloff. Args: N: number of taps wp: Passband frequency ws: Stopband frequency fs: Sample rate Returns: Filter taps. """ bands = np.array([0, wp/2, ws/2, fs/2]) desired = [1, 1, 0, 0] weights = [1, 1] out =, bands, desired, weights, fs=fs) return out.h
[docs]def firpm1f2(N, wp, ws, fs): """Use firpm library to calculate minimax optimal low-pass filter with $1/{f^2}$ rolloff. Args: N: number of taps wp: Passband frequency ws: Stopband frequency fs: Sample rate Returns: Filter taps.""" bands = np.array([0, wp/2, ws/2, fs/2]) desired = [1, 1, 0, 0] weights = [1, 1] out =, bands, desired, weights, fs=fs) return out.h
[docs]@lru_cache def lowpass(wp, ws, fs, ftype='kaiser', atten=60, Nmax=301): """Calculate a low-pass filter, estimating the number of taps needed. Args: wp: Passband frequency ws: Stopband frequency ftype: Type of filter. One of 'kaiser', 'firpm1f', or 'firpm1f2' atten: desired attenuation (dB) Nmax: Maximum number of taps Returns: Filter taps. """ # Use Kaiser window if ftype == 'kaiser': N, beta = signal.kaiserord(atten, (ws-wp)/fs) N = min(Nmax, N) if N % 2 == 0: N += 1 return signal.firwin(N, ws/2, window=('kaiser', beta), fs=fs, pass_zero=True, scale=True) # Use firpm N = bellangerord(0.001, 0.001, fs, ws-wp) N = min(Nmax, N) if N % 2 == 0: N = N + 1 if ftype == 'firpm1f': return firpm1f(N, wp, ws, fs) elif ftype == 'firpm1f2': return firpm1f2(N, wp, ws, fs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown filter type {}'.format(ftype))
[docs]def lowpassIter(wp, ws, fs, f, atten=90, n_max=400): """Design a lowpass filter using f by iterating to minimize the number of taps needed. Args: wp: Passband frequency ws: Stopband frequency fs: Sample rate f: Function to design filter atten: desired attenuation (dB) n_max: Maximum semi-length of filter Returns: Filter taps. """ n = bellangerord(0.01, 0.01, fs, (ws-wp))//2 n_prev = 1 n_lo = 1 n_hi = None if n > n_max: n = n_max while n != n_prev: N = 2*n + 1 taps = f(N, wp, ws, fs) w, h = signal.freqz(taps, worN=8000) w = 0.5*fs*w/np.pi hdb = 20*np.log10(np.abs(h)) db = np.max(hdb[w >= ws]) n_prev = n if db > -atten: if n == n_max: break n_lo = n if n_hi: n = (n_lo + n_hi) // 2 else: n = 2*n else: n_hi = n n = (n_lo + n_hi) // 2 if n > n_max: n = n_max return taps