DragonRadio Utilities

DragonRadio comes with a number of utilities for processing log files, generating plots, running a CIL collaboration server, etc. Most utilities are part of the dragonradio-tools Python module, located in the python/dragonradio-tools directory. They depend on the dragonradio-internal module, located at python/dragonradio-internal, that implements a subset of DragonRadio functionality, like modulation and demodulation, as a Python module.

Building the Utilities

The utilities must be built in a separate Python virtual environment from DragonRadio. The following steps will create a virtual environment in the directory tools/venv that contains the tools. Like the radio, the tools assume Ubuntu 20.04.

  1. Build the main DragonRadio binary by running the build.sh script. This will build and install the libraries requires by the tools (UHD, libcorrect, and liquid-dsp).

  2. Change to the tools directory and run the install.sh script.

Plotting Tools

The primary tools for plotting log and scoring data are:

  • plot-events: Plot logged DragonRadio events on a timeline.

  • plot-mgen-metric: Plot a MGEN metric: rate, packet count, latency, interarrival time, loss, and late packet count. This script was built to mimic the style of plot produced by the trpr tool.

  • plot-radio-metric: Plot DragonRadio per-packet metrics, like EVM and transmission latency.

  • plot-score: Plot SC2 phase 2 and phase 3 scores. This script can also dump various score-related metrics to a CSV file and print all flows in deceasing order of number of possible points lost.

  • plot-traffic: Plot packet traffic as a function of time. This can provide a very detailed view of every packet sent and received by any node.

Use the -h or --help flag to see available options.


The drgui tool allows logged IQ data to be visualized.